Monday, January 27, 2014

Spelling, Vocab and other news for the week of January 27th-31st

Vocab List #13
Find the definition in the Thesaurus/Dictionary/Science Book
1.     cell:
2.     cell nucleus:
3.     atom:
4.     proton:
5.     neutron:
6.     electron:
Spelling List #13
1.     forgotten
2.     forgot
3.     forget
4.     giant
5.     gigantic
6.     guide
7.     hurry
8.     hurrying
9.     hurried
10.      lawyer

Bonus:  cacophony

Tutoring begins this Tuesday!  The topic Mountain Language/parts of Speech from 3:00-4:00 sharp.  It is a free service I offer to help.   Interested?  Please email me.

Our first "story book" due date is next Friday, Feb. 8th.  The student must have a completed rough draft for full credit.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Projects, Projects, Projects!

It's that time of year where projects are the going thing.  We have two big ones going on right now.  In order to focus on getting them started, I am skipping spelling this week.

                                                             1.  The State Fair
     a.  Each student was assigned a state today and given a research worksheet with questions to answer.              Students will need to work at home or in their spare class time to complete these by Friday, Feb                 14th.
     b.  Students will use the research worksheet to write a state research paper due Friday, Feb 21st.
     c.  During Technology, students will complete the Digital State Book and links to the books will be                     posted on my blog shortly after their due date of Friday, March 14th.
     d.  The culmination of this project will be the display board and presentation (which all parents will be                 invited to attend) due Wednesday, March 19th.  

                                                             2.  Story Books
a.  We have a unique opportunity to become published writers for free! (At least the first copy of the book,        more copies are available for purchase.)
b.  The students will be writing a 10 page book.  Students are part of the creative writing process, illustrating      and editing of their own story.
c.  Most of this process will be taking place at school, during writing.  The only "homework" parents have is       part of the editing process.  It will be your job to check the book for spelling, grammar, and continuity of       plot.
d.  Deadlines are as follows:   1. Rough draft of story due Friday, February 7th
                                             2. Rough draft pictures due Friday, February 21st
                                             3. Parent edited story due Friday, February 28th
                                             4. Completed book due Wednesday, March 5th

 *More information including grading rubrics will be coming home soon.  Please put deadlines on your calendar*

Monday, January 13, 2014

New spelling and vocab for the week of January 13th-17th and other news

Vocab List #12
Find the definition in the Thesaurus/Dictionary
1.     figurative:
2.     metaphor:
3.     antonym:
4.     simile:
Spelling List #12
1.     eager
2.     enemy
3.     example
4.     excitement
5.     exciting
6.     excite
7.     fierce
8.     flew
9.     fly
10.      flies

Bonus:  zealous

School House Rock Live!
The Music Theater of Idaho will be visiting us tomorrow, January 14th, to present School House Rock Live.  Your student will be bringing home a flyer tonight with more information if you are interested in seeing the performance. Tickets are available online

State Fair Project
Our first real project is coming up here in a few weeks.  I will be sending more information out soon.  Be looking for "State Fair" packets to go home the last week in January.  

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Atoms Family

We started our unit on Atoms today.  You student will be learning all about protons, neutrons and electrons, where you find them and how they join together to make molecules.  Check out the link to hear more about the Atoms Family . . ..

Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome back and Happy New Year!

Welcome Back!  I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful Christmas Break because we are hitting the ground running this week.  I am just going to bullet the main events of this week and try not to get to wordy.

  1. Second quarter ends on Friday, January 17th.  Report cards will go home on Friday, January 31st.
  2. Wednesday pizza orders are always due paid in full on Tuesday.
  3. Field Trip to see the Boise Philharmonics is this Friday!  Permission slips go home today and must be returned no later than Thursday, January 9th.  The cost is $2.00.  I am also in need of 3 parent chaperons. It is on a first come, first serve basis.
  4. Friday there is a make-up math test and the new spelling vocab test.  The words are listed down below.  
  5. Please be asking your student about homework.  They should be reading 20 minutes a night, studying spelling and vocab, as well as finishing any unfinished classwork.  You can check their purple home school folders and their agendas to see what is due.  If you have questions, I check my email several times a night and my door is always open.  

Vocab List #11
Find the definition in the Thesaurus/Dictionary along with a synonym and an antonym.
1.     Savory :
Antonym –
Synonym –
2.     Bland:
Antonym –
Synonym –
3.     Honest:
Antonym –
Synonym –
4.     Integrity
5.     :
Antonym –
Synonym –
Spelling List #11
1.     broke
2.     break
3.     cocoa
4.     collar
5.     compare
6.     comparison
7.     control
8.     controlled
9.     debts
10.  disaster
Bonus:  Dichotomy