Monday, April 21, 2014

For the week of April 21st - 25th

We are collecting items for our class basket for the auction that will take place at the Science Fair.  The theme of the basket is Family Date Night.  Right now I have a pair of movie tickets,  Yahtzee the board game, Fibber the board game and a set of paddle balls.  I am looking for restaurant gift cards, tickets to the zoo, Wahooz,  Dairy Queen gift cards, tickets to the botanical gardens, maybe a parking pass for Eagle Island.  Anything that a family would want to do for summer fun would be a big hit for our basket.  A lot of the places I mentioned, give passes away for free.  Please feel free to ask for a donation from these establishments.  Just mention it is a fund raiser for our school and if they have questions to call Mrs. Evans.

Don't forget to be working on your Science Fair project.  It is due on Thursday, May 15th.  This is an AT HOME project.  The "how to" manual was sent home 2 weeks ago.  If you never saw it, I will post the manual to the blog this week.

Testing will begin Monday, April 28th at 8:30am.  I will send everyone a reminder on Friday of this week on what to expect.  

Monday, April 14, 2014

For the week of April 14th - 18th

WOW!  We are down to the last 6 weeks of this school year.  This means a few big milestones have or are happening.  We have officially finished with spelling tests for the year. (Wahoo!, said most of the students) We are prepping for our I-SATs and SBACS, which are at the end of this month.  We also are ready to "move in" to our lockers.  The next few weeks, I treat the students more like 6th graders in an effort to prep them for next year.  We use our binders for each subject and have 3 minutes to get what we need from our lockers and be back in our seats ready to go.  On a side note, I am really proud of how the class has grown and matured over the year.  I know that they are going to rock 6th grade . . .in a good way!  :0)

Dates to Remember

Wednesday, April 16th  Return Surveys (psst . . they are coming home today)
Thursday, April 17th  Tutoring after school - more fraction practice
Friday, April 18th Book Orders Due.  Please order on-line if possible and no cash orders.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday April 28th, 29th and 30th - ISAT and SBAC testing

Thursday,May 8th   All donations for class basket to auction off on Science night due!
                               The theme is family date night.
Thursday, May 15th  Science Night/Science Fair projects due  4-7pm

Monday, May 19th  RAD performance 7pm our gym

Friday, May 23rd  Last Day of School, Early Release 1:40

Sunday, April 6, 2014

For the week of April 7th - 11th

Tutoring will take place this Monday from 3-4pm sharp.  Please make sure you are on time to pick up your child.  This week's session will be on everything fractions.

Vocab List #22
Find the definition and give an example
1.     chlorophyll:
2.     carbon dioxide:
3.     kingdom:
4.     phylum:
5.     order:
Spelling List #22
1.     concert
2.     decided
3.     decide
4.     design
5.     dictation
6.     dictionary
7.     elephant
8.     monkey
9.     everybody
10.      grocery

Bonus:  malinger – to fake illness in order to avoid work or duty

Don't forget, we are collecting items for our class basket to put up for auction at the Science Fair night in May.  Our class theme is Family Date night.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Welcome Back . . .8 more weeks until summer break!

YIKES!  Time is moving exponentially faster.  We are in the last quarter of 5th grade.  I can hardly believe this year is almost over.  Here are a few big dates to put on your calendar.

Wednesday, April 2nd - Reading Calendars Due

Thursday, April 3rd - Scheduled Parent Teacher Conferences.  I will notify you by email/and or phone to make an appointment.  REPORT CARDS sent home.

Friday, April 4th - Drop in Conferences.  Questions, comments, concerns, compliments just pop by.  I'd  love to chat.

Monday-Wednesday, April 28,29,30  ISAT and SBAC testing days.  More info to come.

Thursday, May 15th - Science Fair/Auction   Science Fair projects are to be completed at home and brought in for judging that day.  We are also having a class basket to auction off.  I am in desperate need of donations.  Our class theme is Family Date Night.  Think board games, movie tickets, restaurant gift cards, etc.   100% of the money goes back to the school.

Class Party Time again - Friday, April 4th
Our class, through hard work and good behavior, has earned another class party.  Students may wear PJ's to school and bring electronics.  We will be watching Frozen as our movie.  Treats are allowed.

Vocab List #21
Find the definition and give an example
1.     Erosion:
2.     Renewable Resource:
3.     Non-renewable Resource:
4.     Magma:
5.     Lava:
Spelling List #21
1.     appearance
2.     autumn
3.     canvas
4.     ceiling
5.     celery
6.     salary
7.     creation
8.     create
9.     created
10.      creative
Bonus:  Svengali – a person who manipulates another person for malicious reasons (aka a bully)