Sunday, February 28, 2016

For the week of February 29th - March 4th

It's another 5 day work week and we are into March!  This means reading calendars are coming due and the end of 3rd quarter is nearing.  If you haven't logged into Parent Portal and checked on your student's grades, please do so.  There is still time to bring grades up :)   Forgot your login?  Please contact the main office for your information.

Story Book Packets
Our published stories are nearing their due date.  Most students chose to use their story from my story writing segment as their published book.  Some, however, have chosen different paths.  If that is the case, I still need parent help.  Please check with your student on their theme and help edit their works.  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call, drop by or email.

Tuesday, March 1
New book orders and reading calendars will be sent home.  Book orders will be due on Wednesday, March 9th

Friday, March 4th
Spelling Test 18
Enrichment class

Monday, March 7th
10 Marks Math Contest Starts - More info to come

Wednesday, March 9th
February Reading Calendars and March Book orders due

Thursday, March 10th
Story Book Packets Due - These must be edited by a parent :)

Friday, March 18th
End of 3rd Quarter!!!!!

Monday, March 21st - Friday, March 25th
Spring Break - No School

Friday, April 1st
Science Day Field Trip - More info to come

Spelling Test 18

  1. eagle
  2. example
  3. towel
  4. special
  5. legal
  6. little
  7. whole
  8. several
  9. terrible
  10. label
  11. question
  12. frequent
  13. telescope
  14. instead
  15. instrument
  16. celebrate
  17. declare
  18. address
  19. microscope
  20. borrower

Saturday, February 20, 2016

For the week of February 22nd-25th

Hello all,  this is a 4 day week with no school on Friday.  Here is what to expect this week.

Monday, Feb. 22nd
Edited stories are due.

Thursday, Feb 25th 
Spelling Test #17

1. Cookie Dough and Coupon sales went well.  With what we earned and my class funds, I should be able to take the class on 2 trips this spring.  I am in the midst of planning a historical trip to the Old Penitentiary and a science/math/cooking trip to the Sur La Table cooking school.  More info to come!

2. Cookie Dough should be delivered in about 2 weeks.  As soon as I know an exact date, I will send an email.

3. Every year, our school partners with Student Treasures to allow students to publish their own writing.  In my class, I allow the students creative reign to write whatever they wish. (within reason)  This year, I have a lot of creative students and creative books ranging from chapter books, "how to's", books of original poetry, cook books and many more. The majority of the work will take place in class but, just like the stories we just wrote, I need help with editing.  I have to have the books printed and packaged ready to ship on Thursday, March 10th.  Writing should be completed in the next 2 weeks.  Thank you for your help :)

Spelling #17

  1. signal
  2. regular
  3. generous
  4. energy
  5. bridge
  6. genius
  7. dangerous
  8. segment
  9. figure
  10. country
  11. circle
  12. concert
  13. peaceful
  14. nice
  15. since
  16. electric
  17. dancing
  18. decided
  19. restaurant
  20. abnormal

Monday, February 15, 2016

For the week of February 16th - 19th

Hello all!  I spent a fair amount of time this weekend getting caught up on grading.  The only subject I am behind on is Science.  I will have the entire grade book up-to-date by the end of this week.  Please take the time to login to Infinite Campus to view your child's grade. If you need instruction on how to do this or forgot your login information, please contact the elementary office.  They can get you this info.  I do have a fair amount of missing assignments.  In speaking to the students, they know how a zero can impact a grade.  Please help me remind them to turn in every assignment . . .everyday.  :)

Speaking of large assignments worth a lot of points, we have been working on the art of story writing during ELA.  I have spent right around 4 weeks on developing a character, creating a captivating beginning, creating and solving a problem, as well as descriptive settings and how to finish a story.  The students have come up with some amazing work and have written as much as 20+ pages.  I need help editing.  I told the students I will edit 3 paragraphs to help them start searching for their own errors.  This is where you come in.  Step 1.  Sit with your student and have them read the story to you.  This helps them catch a whole bunch of errors.  Make them edit their story first. Step 2.  Parents need to read the entire story again with your student and search for the following types of errors:

  1. Does each sentence start with a capital letter and end with punctuation?
  2. Sentence Tense.  Does each sentence subject and verb agree?  "We are not We is" Does the story's tense change from past tense to present tense in the same sentence? " 
  3. When a new character is talking, there should be a new paragraph started.
  4. Did the over-all story make sense?  Did the events flow from one to another or are you confused as to what is going on?
  5. Is there a clear ending?  It is okay to have a cliff hanger but the way I described ending the story is like the difference between an episode of your favorite TV show and a season of the same show.  An episode comes to an end.  The problem that came up was resolved.  Maybe, a teaser or new problem may be addressed at the end.  
If you need the story printed off or emailed to you directly, please shoot me an email.  This project is due Friday.  

Spelling #16
  1. awhile
  2. where
  3. thought
  4. athletes
  5. truthful
  6. purchases
  7. exchange
  8. though
  9. rhythm
  10. children
  11. chocolates
  12. friendship
  13. together
  14. white
  15. watches
  16. arithmetic
  17. months
  18. length
  19. narrate
  20. writing

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

Treats galore!

Look!  We have the same smile :)

Some bunny loves you!


Very cool mailbox

How the class looks after all the sugar we ingested . . .

Presents please

Cute and scary

A hungry mailbox

Good Advice

This mailbox won for creativity

Gotta love the Grumpy Cat

Another hungry mailbox 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

For the week of February 8th - 11th

This is week is a short week but jam-packed full of stuff.  Here is what to expect:

Monday 2/8
For art we will be making our own Valentine's day mail box.  I have paper bags for the kids to use.  If they want to bring their own shoe box etc, have them at school by Monday afternoon.

Tuesday 2/9
All cookie dough/coupon orders are due by 3:00 pm.  Sorry, there are no late exceptions.

Wednesday 2/10
Book Orders are due by 7:00 pm.  Orders can be placed online or sent to school.  If your student didn't bring home their order forms, or they became lost, you can still shop online.  The link is posted on my blog.  :)

Thursday 2/11
Spelling Test and Valentine's Day Party.   The party will take place from 1:30 - 3:00 pm.  Treats are welcome.  Please just read labels to make sure everything is peanut free.  I also encourage treat bringers to explore healthier options.  Meat and cheese platters, veggie trays and fruit bowls make excellent alternatives.  :)  

Friday 2/12
No School

Monday 2/15
No School

Spelling Test 14

  1. square
  2. stare
  3. dairy
  4. area
  5. January
  6. dictionary
  7. daring
  8. beware
  9. argument
  10. large
  11. partner
  12. guarding
  13. article
  14. orchestra
  15. ordinary
  16. important
  17. force
  18. before
  19. sincerely
  20. Valentine's Day


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Valentines Day List

Valentines aren't mandatory but if you choose to participate, please remember to include everyone and if you bring/buy treats to keep them peanut free :)

Keiley S.
Kelly W.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hands on Fractions with Licorice Math Lab

Figuring out fractions can be difficult.  Today the class spent some time not only cutting up numbers into fractions, but then figuring out how fractions can be equivalent and that the ruler is nothing but a giant fraction bar.  The best part of today's math lab was being able to say,"Sorry, I cannot turn in my homework because I ate it!"