Sunday, April 24, 2016

For the week of April 25th - 29th

It's the last week in April!   The final countdown to this year has begun.  Here are a few "lasts" for this week.   It is our last spelling test of the year.  It is our last week before end-of-the-year testing begins.  It is our last mid-term progress report this week.   It is also the last week of mandatory reading for our last reading calendar.  I will, however, send out 1 more book order so you can purchase some summer reading materials for rock bottom prices.  Here are a few dates to keep in mind.

Tuesday, April 26th
After school RAD practice for Positive and What You Gonna Do dancers, along with Lead Actors from 3:10 - 3:40pm

Wednesday, April 27th
Last book order of the year will be going out.  Please have your order placed no later than next Wednesday, May 4th to ensure delivery before the last day of school.  After school RAD practice for RAD rap male dancers from 3:10 - 3:40pm

Friday, April 29th
Last spelling test of the year!!!  The words are posted below.  After school RAD practice for Do the Math dancers from 3:10 - 3:40pm

Tuesday, May 3rd
ISAT - Math test.  We have broken the test up into 2 days this year.  1/2 the test will be Tuesday morning and the other half will take place Wednesday morning.

Wednesday, May 4th
ISAT - Math test.    Reading calendars from April are also due.

Thursday, May 5th
Science Fair projects are due to the classroom by 8:05am.  Students will give short presentations to the class during the day. Grading and Ribbons should be finished before 3:30.  Public viewing starts after school from 3:30 - 7pm in our perspective classrooms.

Friday, May 6th
No School/Teacher Inservice

Last Spelling List # 23

  1. shoes
  2. sure
  3. sugar
  4. musician
  5. patience
  6. mission
  7. occasion
  8. physician
  9. tension
  10. conclusion
  11. constitution
  12. caution
  13. constellation
  14. addition
  15. fiction
  16. position
  17. official
  18. glacier
  19. idiom
  20. metaphor

5th Graders SAVE THE WORLD . . ..or at least invent great ideas to help!

My students were tasked to solve a problem either that they face or a solution they think the world could benefit from.  My class came up with everything from tools for home improvement to ways to save on energy, all the way to vehicles that are wind powered.  I hope you take the time to peruse through all their hard work.

Casen's Plantable Diaper

Jaydree and Riley's Food Machine

Dax's Wind Powered Car Engine

Kelly's Repelling Flower

Maycee's Safeguard Seat

Saryn's Sonar Dolphin Warning System

Kabrie's Blind Pet Saver

Evan's Air Sustained Computer

Elise's Harmful Chemical Seeker

Angelina's Food Machine

Teddy's Maglev Wheel Chair

Keiley's Translator

Rylan's Forest Fire Fixer

Hayden's Multitasking Pen

Ethan's Hover Hospital Stretcher

Madi's Kinetic Powered Tracking Bracelet

Kevin's Tape Snapper

Seth's Guinea Pig Safeguard Glove

Stephanie's Inflatable Suit

Dustin's Forest Sprinkler System

Ryan's Train of the Future

David's Concussion Free and Recyclable Football Helmet

Daniel's Jet Engine Ocean Filter

Leticia's Adjustable Scissors

Luke's Wheeling Cart

Nick's Ocean Safety
Noah's Invisible Sensor Mine

Sunday, April 17, 2016

For the week of April 18th - 21st

Not to scare anyone, but we are in the final stretch of this year . .. . only 27 school days left, as of Monday.  Grab your planner, I am going to give dates for the next several weeks.

*Just keep in mind that your student's science fair project due date is only 3 weeks away!*

Wednesday, April 20th
Young Scientist entries are due.  Remember, every student did a project but only those who wanted to enter, need to submit their project before 3pm.  Parents need to sign the consent form online and then upload the presentation.  If you need help with the uploading portion, after you create your account, send me the login info and I can upload from school.

Thursday, April 21st
Spelling Test

Friday, April 22nd
No School- Teacher Inservice

Wednesday, April 27th
ELA ISAT (1/2 day testing)

Thursday, April 28th
ELA ISAT (1/2 day testing)

Tuesday, May 3rd
Math ISAT (1/2 day testing)

Wednesday, May 4th
Math ISAT (1/2 day testing)

Thursday, May 5th
Science Fair 3:30 - 7pm.  Projects are due at 8:05 that morning.  Students will be presenting to the class and I will be grading throughout that morning.  Projects will be on display in my classroom for public viewing starting right at 3:30

Friday, May 6th 
No School

Friday, May 13th
Science ISAT

Spelling List 22

  1. thoughtful
  2. successful
  3. wasteful
  4. wonderful
  5. skillful
  6. plentiful
  7. government
  8. amusement
  9. predicament
  10. excitement
  11. punishment
  12. arrangement
  13. fearless
  14. careless
  15. worthless
  16. thoughtless
  17. useless
  18. reckless
  19. liter
  20. volume

Friday, April 15, 2016

A tasty sample of data sets

Today, before our field trip, we created data sets via stacking Oreo towers.  From our tasty data, we graphed group results and calculated mean, median, mode and range.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

For the week of April 11th - 15th

I hope everyone got outside this weekend and enjoyed the summer-like weather.  It looks like this week we will be back to "Springtime in Idaho" with cooler, damp weather.  It never fails, when we book an outdoor field trip for the weather to not cooperate.  Please know, we will be going on Friday regardless of what mother nature throws at us.  Just know, ponchos may be a good purchase this week.

Due to finishing up our MAP test and then our field trip, there will be no spelling test this week.

Wednesday, April 13th
Book orders are due by 7pm.  If you never got a chance to see the catalog, please click the Scholastic link on the side of the blog.  All the catalogs are posted . .. even for other grades.  They had a lot of good books for summer reading and even better, they are on sale!

Thursday, April 14th
Math MAP test.  Students are allowed to bring healthy snacks and gum/mints to help power their brains.  Electronics will be allowed for after testing brain breaks.

Field trip permission slips are also due on Thursday.  Remember . .. no slip, no trip.  This time our field trip costs $2.00 per person, including students.  I didn't quite make enough on the fund raiser to pay fully for both field trips.  If this cost is a burden, please email me and I would gladly cover it.  :) If your permission slip didn't make it home, you can click the link below to print a new one.

Friday, April 15th
We have a normal school morning until 10:20.  At 10:20 we will board the busses for the Old Pen.  It will take 45 - 60 minutes to get there.  Upon arrival, we will eat lunch (outside).  Hot lunchers will have a sack lunch provided.  Everyone else is responsible for their own food.  I do believe tours start between 12 and 12:30.   After the tour, we will head back to school.  Parents who chaperon, may take their students home from the Pen.  Just make sure to sign out with me first.  

Science Fair - Thursday, May 5th
Science Fair is just a month away!   Make sure to work on it now, so the due date doesn't sneak up on you.  If you need project ideas or some great how to tips, check out the link below

Monday, April 4, 2016

For the week of April 4th - 7th

Hello and welcome back.  I hope everyone had a blast on our field trip.  I will post pics later this week.  As far as this week goes . . . .it is another crazy busy one.

MAP Testing
We start our end of the year MAP testing.  This is the test that shows how much growth your student gained over the year.  IF students meet their growth goals, they are done with the MAP for 5th grade.  On Wednesday and Thursday, students are allowed to bring electronic devices to play with quietly after testing.  They are also allowed to bring mint gum and snacks to help power their brains during the tests.

Science Fair
Science Fair is just about a month away.  Packets are being sent home today.  There is also an old packet posted on my blog.  The info on how to do a project is the same, only the due dates have changed.  Science projects will be due the morning of May 5th.  The fair at school starts that afternoon at 3:30-7pm.  Just a reminder, Science projects are a grade and must be completed at home.

Old Penitentiary Field Trip
Field Trip Permission Slips will be sent home later this week.  This trip costs $2.00 for everyone to attend, including students and chaperons.  If this is a financial burden, please shoot me an email and I will cover it.  :)  Students will need another sack lunch and dress for the weather.  In Idaho, it could be anything from snow to rain to scorching sun or all the above.  We are going regardless of the weather.

Opinion Paper and packets are due for full credit.  Late papers and packets are subject to  25% off each day past the due date.
Report Cards come home.   Please cut off and sign the bottom portion to return back to me.  If you have questions or concerns, I am here after school everyday this week from 3:20 - 5ish.  Please drop by, call or email.

Reading MAP test

March Reading calendars are due
ELA MAP test

Math MAP test

No School and no spelling test this week due to other tests