Sunday, August 28, 2016

For the week of August 29th - September 1st

We had another wonderful second week of school.  Last weeks spelling test has been graded and will be sent home on Monday.  Here are a few reminders for this week:

Tuesday, August 30th
Those wishing to purchase pizza for Wednesday's lunch need to bring their money to class.  It costs $1.00 a slice with the choice of pepperoni or cheese.

Thursday, September 1st
Our spelling test will take place on Thursday.  Snack shack may be open . . .I will try to find out for sure.

Friday, September 2nd
No school.  Remember to purchase your hot lunches for next month :)  

Monday, September 5th
No school. Labor Day

Spelling Test #2

  1. afraid
  2. explain
  3. payment
  4. sleigh
  5. laid
  6. raise
  7. straight
  8. freight
  9. height
  10. they
  11. favorite
  12. April
  13. able
  14. radio
  15. station
  16. relation
  17. daybreak
  18. trace

Here are some extras from last week.  Our Word de Jour was Maliase or a feeling of unease.  We started our new class book Gordon Korman's "Radio 5th Grade".  We also have jumped full force into math reviews and will be working on multiplication fluency to help with fractions and decimals.  

Image result for radio 5th grade

Friday, August 19, 2016

First week down . . .on to the second!

Hello all!

I hope your student has come home excited about being in 5th grade.  I truly am very impressed with how fast they have picked up on my expectations and continue to exceed them.  They have been kind to each other, as well as, welcoming to our new students.  As their teacher, I am beaming with pride. The class has been complemented, not only by other teachers, but also the entire administrative staff!  In other words, it has been a great week.   I also appreciate how all my students have been responsible in having their agenda's signed nightly.  Keep up the good work. Here is what you can expect for next week.  Grab your day planners!

Monday, August 22nd - Reading MAP test
We will continue with taking the MAP test on our computers.  This test helps give me a baseline for your student's learning strengths and weaknesses.  When the results come in, I welcome parents to come to my class and hear about the results, what they mean and what you can do at home to add to your child's success.

Tuesday, August 23rd - Pizza Orders due and ELA MAP test
Our seniors sell pizza to help earn $ for their senior trip.  Each slice costs $1.00.  Choices include pepperoni or cheese. Pizza will be delivered on Wednesday at lunch.

Wednesday, August 24th - Book Orders due
Book orders were sent home last week.  If yours didn't make it to you, you can shop online using the Scholastic link on the right side of my blog. Remember no cash allowed, only checks or cards.  :)

Friday, August 25th - Spelling Test #1

Spelling List 1

  1. rough
  2. grudge
  3. stunt
  4. sudden
  5. thumb
  6. once
  7. another
  8. does
  9. trouble
  10. cousin
  11. began
  12. city
  13. oxygen
  14. copy
  15. very
  16. until
  17. umpire
  18. which
Here are some little extra's that you may have heard about at the dinner table:

Word De Jour this week was Materialize (appear out of nowhere)

Quote of the week:  "You can't put a limit on anything, the more you dream the further you go." - Michael Phelps

Class Read Aloud:


Monday, August 15, 2016

Welcome New 5th Graders

I am absolutely thrilled that you will be in my class this year!  This is going to be an exciting year with lots of new things to learn.  This is my 6th year at Vision but my 11th year teaching and I think I can infer that I love 5th grade!  It really is the best grade ever!  We get to learn some pretty cool things ranging from decimals and fractions all the way to how atoms work and how to debate. 
I am very enthusiastic about teaching all subjects, though Science, Math and Art are my favorites.  I also enjoy using technology as much as I can.  In fact, you can check out my class blog at to see how I use technology in my class. 
I spend a lot of time throughout the year working to build our classroom community.  We spend a fair amount of time together so it is important to treat each other with respect, kindness and compassion.  I know each of you has a different brain, which translates to you all being different in your abilities to learn and grow.  It is my job as your teacher to help you become strong learners with good character.
Want to know a little about me?  When I am not at school, you can find me at the pool, swimming and coaching.  I also love traveling and cooking.  I often use my travel and cooking experiences as learning tools.  I grew up as the daughter of a scientist and moved all over the country.  I hope this helps explain my love of science and some of my strange accents or pronunciation of words.  Lol
I look forward to meeting you and your family at Vision’s “Meet the Teacher night”.  Bring your school supplies with you so you don’t have to carry everything on Wednesday morning. 

See you all Monday Night from 3:30 -6:30 pm in H-2.