Monday, October 31, 2016

Narnia Party

Thank you again to the parents who donated food and volunteered time.  I cannot do special events without the support of my wonderful parents.  Here are some fun pics from our party.

A coat from the wardrobe

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The White Witches reindeer

Mr. Tumnus

Turned to stone

Sunday, October 30, 2016

For the week of October 31st - November 4th

I would like to start off by saying thank you to Mrs. Fort and all the parents who donated time and food to our Narnia party!  I am so thankful for all the parent support I have this year.  Here is what you can expect this week.

Monday, October 31st
Halloween - Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe party.  Remember, students are allowed to wear costumes, but no weapons are allowed.
November Reading Calendars are coming home today along with new book orders.  Book orders will be due Monday, November 7th.   If you plan on ordering books that are Christmas gifts, please give me a heads up via email.

Tuesday, November 1st
Pizza money due.  $1.00 a slice.  Reading calendars are due no later than Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 2nd
October Reading Calendars are due for full credit.

Friday, November 4th
Spelling Test #9

Spelling Test 9

  1. baby-sit
  2. first aid
  3. flashlight
  4. high school
  5. goalkeeper
  6. all right
  7. airmail
  8. one-way
  9. bodyguard
  10. something
  11. good-bye
  12. birthday
  13. outside
  14. himself
  15. everybody
  16. everyone
  17. anything
  18. themselves
  19. pilgrims
  20. November

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Party on Monday, October 31st from 1:00 - 3:00pm

Hello all,

Halloween is fast approaching.  At Vision, we celebrate the all school book we are reading.  This year it is C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.  Students are allowed to dress up as characters from the book.  Please remember hair and face paint are okay but weapons are not.  If you want to donate themed snacks from the book, I have a list of suggestions.  Please remember we are a peanut free classroom.  I also have one student who needs to stay away from eggs too.  At the end of the day we will watch the movie.

Here are some snack ideas (besides candy and cookies ) based off of the meals the characters ate.  Please know these are just suggestions.  Any donation is always appreciated.

Meals of The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

Tumnus' House-
This meal took place when Lucy first discovered Narnia and went to Tumnus' house. Attending this meal were Mr. Tumnus and Lucy. Foods were tea, lightly boiled and brown eggs, sardines on toast, buttered toast, toast with honey, and lastly, sugar-topped cake. 

Beavers' Meal-
This meal happened when the Pevensies came to Mr. Beaver's house for the first time. Present were the Pevensies and Mr. and Mrs. Beaver. Foods included were trout, beer, potatoes, a jug of creamy milk, a lump of butter, sticky marmalade rolls, and tea. 

Cave Meal-
This meal takes place in the secret hiding cave of the Beavers. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and the Pevensies were at this meal. It was provided by Father Christmas and consisted of lump sugar, tea, ham sandwiches, and a jug of cream.

 White Witch -
This snack takes place in the White Witches sledge and ends up enchanting Edmund. 
 Foods included enchanted Turkish Delight and Hot Chocolate made with heavy cream

Sunday, October 23, 2016

For the week of October 24th - 28th

I really enjoyed seeing you for Parent-Teacher conferences.  If you didn't get a chance to visit with me and still would like to, please don't hesitate to shoot me an email.  I would gladly make time to visit with you.  Grab your day planners for this weeks schedule.  :)

Don't forget October Reading calendars are coming due.

Students dressing up at school on October 31 may only wear a costume representing a character from the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Every year Vision Charter School selects one book to read as a whole school and then we celebrate the book and author on the last day of October. Costumes are encouraged to be low to no cost costumes and may include masks, wigs, hair color, and face paint. No weapons or look a likes may be used as part a costume or brought on school grounds. Costumes are expected to follow modesty rules.   

I will also be hosting a class party themed around the book.  I will send a sign up link later this week. :)

Come meet other families and friends in the gym on October 24th any time between
5:30 – 7:30 p.m. We will be watching a G rated Halloween movie while we carve up Pumpkins. Bring your own carving tools or use ours. Pumpkins will be sold by the Music
Department for $6. Parents may bring their own pumpkin or purchase one to carve.  Brats, chips, and a water bottle will be sold for $5. “Make your own root beer” is available for an additional $1. 
Gift cards will be given out for the most unique carvings! Prizes will be judged by PFA president and VCS administration. One winner will be selected from K-2nd grade, 3-5th grade, 6th -8th grade, 9th -12th grade, and one for the “adult” category.

Tuesday, October 25th
Pizza $ will be due.  $1.00 a slice

Friday, October 28th
Spelling Test #8.  Snack Shack.

Spelling List 8
  1. spoil
  2. choice
  3. avoid
  4. moisture
  5. oyster
  6. royal
  7. employ
  8. annoy
  9. ground
  10. house
  11. sprout
  12. mountain
  13. allow
  14. ourselves
  15. somehow
  16. ounce
  17. amount
  18. boundary
  19. bluff
  20. nucleus

Sunday, October 16, 2016

For the week of October 17th - 21st

Welcome back from fall break!  I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable time.  Here is what to expect this week.  I will be starting Parent Teacher Conferences.  I hope to meet with all of you. Please click the link below to sign up for a time.  If you cannot make it to school, please email me with a time and a phone number to have a phone conference.    Weekly homework will be starting this week too.  I will do my best to give you a heads up in your email.

Tuesday, October 18th
Pizza $ will be due.  $1.00 a slice

Wednesday, October 19th
Parent Teacher conferences after school from 3:20pm - 7:00pm

Thursday, October 20th
Parent Teacher conferences after school from 3:20pm - 7:00pm

Friday, October 21st
Spelling test #7.  Snack Shack.  Parent Teacher conferences after school from 3:20pm - 7:00pm

Spelling List 7
1. gloomy
2. school
3. choose
4. loose
5. route
6. clue
7. truth
8. duty
9. ruin
10. Tuesday
11. usually
12. threw
13. understood
14. neighborhood
15. rookie
16. could
17. should
18. bulletin
19. autumn
20. conference

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Class happenings and things to think about over fall break

I am finishing up report cards today and tomorrow.  All grades will be posted in Infinite Campus by 3:30 tomorrow if you want to login and get a sneak peek.  I will be posting sign ups for Parent Teacher Conferences as soon as we get back from fall break.

There is a free program that allows all Idaho 5th and 6th graders to ski in Idaho for free.  This year, there are more resorts to pick from.  All you have to do is click the link below and register.  Enjoy!

I had several more students save up enough class cash to purchase their desks!!  I love how quickly the class picked up on saving, earning and purchasing!

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

For the week of October 3rd - 5th

Remember this week is a short week for the students leading up to Fall Break.  Here are this weeks happenings.  Grab your day planner because this week is a busy one.  Just a reminder, the week is very short, so there will be no spelling test.  There is, however, a lot of stuff due on Wednesday.  :)

We have our first official math test coming up on Wednesday.  Monday we will be doing the Math Review posted below.  On Tuesday, we will be grading the review in class and having small study groups to work on skills that need more help.  The test will be in the exact same format at the study guide . . .just with different numbers :)

Math Review and small study groups.  Pizza money due.  $1.00 a slice

Math Test.   Reading Calendars due.   Book orders due.    End of quarter 1.  Report cards and Parent teacher conference sign ups will be coming out Fall break.

Fall Break
Thursday, October 6th - Sunday, October 16th.  See you back in school on Monday, October 17th

Click the link to open the review