Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Fractions Quiz 1 Study Guide- Friday, February 3rd


Hello all!  As I start my unit on fractions, I instructed the students that there is a large amount of vocab attached.  It is imperative that they learn to speak "fractions", in order to do fractions.  One of the only ways I know to learn a new language, is to practice, practice and practice.  Starting this week, there will be a math quiz about every 3-5 days reviewing all these new terms.  Of course we will be reviewing and speaking fractions everyday, but it is important that you review at home too.    Here are this weeks terms and definitions:

1.  What is a fraction?
a.  a broken number - think of a graham cracker (a whole) being dropped and broken into pieces (fraction)
b.  a number divided by another number  1/2
c.  a fraction is not a whole number

2.  Parts of a fraction:

  3    numerator       part or pieces of the number      top number
10   denominator    whole                                           bottom number

3.  What is a factor?
Factors are the numbers you multiply by to get another number.

example:  Factors of 10
                1 x 10=10    2 x 5=10   or   10:  1, 2, 5, 10
                10 has 4 factors

4.  What is a prime number?
 A prime number only has 2 factors

example: Factors of 3
                1 x 3=3  or  3: 1,3  
                3 has 2 factors making it a prime number

5.  What is a composite number?
A composite number has 3 or more factors

example:  Factors of 8
                 1 x 8=8  2 x 4=8  or  8:  1, 2, 4, 8
                 8 has 4 factors
6.  Be able to Factor large numbers like 55 or 82
example:  55:  1, 5, 11, 55

7.  Be able to Factor using a Factor Tree (aka Prime Factorization)
example:                       16
                                   2     8
                                        2   4
                                            2   2
       answer: 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 or 2 to the 4th power

Sunday, January 29, 2017

For the week of January 30th - February 3rd

Hello all!  Welcome back to our first (hopefully weather permitting) regular week.  We finished the MAP testing last week and despite being behind due to missing days, everyone tried really hard and did quite well.  If you are interested in learning more about your student's score, please email me with a time for after school and I would gladly go over the results with you.

Dress Code will NOT be enforced the week of January 30th - February 3rd due to cold temperatures in early mornings and multiple days with the potential of snow and sleet. The priority is warm, water resistant, and safe clothing. Modesty rules still apply.  Please have students wear shoes with good traction. Sending elementary students with an extra pair of socks and pants is still a good idea!  

We will be back to doing agendas, homework and spelling this week too.  Please make sure you are looking at the agenda every night.  I am also extending the book order until Wednesday.  You still have time to order.

Tuesday, January 31st
Pizza Money due.  $1.oo a slice

Wednesday, February 1st
Book orders due

Friday, February 3rd
Spelling Test and Fractions Quiz
I will have a study guide up on Tuesday for our first fractions quiz.   Spelling words are listed below.

Spelling List #13

  1. urgent
  2. Thursday
  3. purpose
  4. thirsty
  5. camera
  6. wonder
  7. smuggler
  8. remember
  9. surprise
  10. earth
  11. certain
  12. person
  13. dollar
  14. color
  15. collar
  16. early
  17. mayor
  18. doctor
  19. February
  20. heresy

Monday, January 23, 2017

For the week of January 23rd - 27th

Hello!   I hope everyone is crossing their fingers that winter is done dumping snow and ice on us.   Here is what to expect this week as we try to get back to normal.

Supply Refills
As we are about 1/2 through our year, some of our supplies are running low.  Please talk to your student about what they might need.  I keep getting asked for pencils, glue sticks and earbuds.

Reading Calendars and Book Orders
I am still missing several December reading calendars.  Remember this is one of the first grades that goes into the grade book and it is worth 50 points.  It is hard to recover from an F.  I will take any December calendar through Wednesday of this week.   I sent home January reading calendars, along with book orders home last Tuesday.   Book orders need to be in by Friday and January reading calendars are due February 3rd.

Tuesday, January 24th
Pizza $ due.   $1.00 a slice

Wednesday, January 25th
Winter Reading MAP Testing.  Students will test in the morning.  The test takes about an hour and isn't timed.  Students are encouraged to go slow, be thorough and do their best.

Thursday, January 26th
Winter English Language Arts MAP Testing.

Friday, January 27th (Yes! there is school.  It is a make up day)
Winter Math MAP Test.

All test results will be available on Monday, January 30th.  If you are interested on how the MAP test works, how to read results and what they mean, I would be happy to sit down with you after school one day and walk you through it.  Just email me with a date and time that works best for you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Snow Day Activities

Well . . .Mother Nature just isn't cooperating this winter.  According to the email I just got from the school, if 95% of the students complete 2.5 hours of homework either with paper and pencil or online via programs like IXL or MyON, it will minimize the amount of days we have to pay back.  It will be important to log your paper and pencil hours just like you would for your reading calendar. Online programs track that information for me.

 Down below, I am going to give numerous suggestions both online and the old fashion way.  If you wish to print the paperwork or just copy from the blog, either way is fine.  PS.  This is going to be a long post. :)


Paper and Pencil
Snow Day Math Review

IXL Math Skills - the skills listed below are ones that need some extra work.  If your student is done with these skills, have them work on different ones.  If your student is in a different math class, please contact their math teacher for specific skills.


Number theory

  1. reportF.1Prime and composite numbers
  2. reportF.2Prime factorization
  3. reportF.3Prime factorization with exponents
  4. reportF.4Divisibility rules
  5. reportF.5Divisibility rules: word problems
  6. reportF.6Greatest common factor
  7. reportF.7Least common multiple

Context clues

  1. reportVV.1Find words using context
  2. reportVV.2Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context
  3. reportVV.3Use context to identify the meaning of a word
  4. reportVV.4Determine the meaning of domain-specific words with pictures

Author's purpose and tone

  1. reportCCC.1Identify the purpose of a text
  2. reportCCC.2Which sentence is more formal?

    You need to login or just write your paragraph on paper.  Remember the paragraph is due by Friday.  Here are the instructions in case you forgot:

Project Objective

After reading Little Red Riding Hood, students will write 1 paragraph citing evidence to prove why it can be dangerous to trust strangers. The first sentence will be a topic sentence. The body of the paragraph will prove the topic sentence and the last sentence will sum up the paragraph.


Silent Reading

T   This can be done either on MyON or with a good ole' paperback.  Just keep track of the minutes you read.


Monday, January 16, 2017

For the week of January 17th - 20th

Hello all!

Welcome back from Christmas Vacation (for real . .this time) I hope your extra time with your family was restful and fun. Time to get back to business. 

Report Cards and Conferences
Report cards will be sent home on Tuesday, January 17th.  If your student received a C- or below you should have gotten an email from me on ways to help your student succeed.  Due to the weather and face to face conferences being canceled, I am still open to visit with anyone after school.  Please just drop me an email and I will set up a time where we can sit down and visit.

December Reading Calendars
Reading Calendars are due this Friday, January 20th for full credit.  If you lost or misplaced your reading calendar, you can re-print one from the blog, hand write your own or have your parent email me with the total number of minutes you read.  Remember January reading calendars are coming due in 3 weeks.  Keep up reading at home.

Spelling Test 
There will be no spelling test this week due the short week again.  I am going to use this week to try to play catch up, especially in Math and Writing.

Make Up Days
With all the school days lost to snow and bad road conditions, we have some days to make up.  Here are the current make up days.  There are still 2 more being voted on.  Check the Vision Charter FB page to cast your vote.

Friday, January 27th

Friday, February 10th

Friday, March 10th