Saturday, March 25, 2017

Spring Break 2017 - Butterfly Farm Aruba

The dress was confusing for this guy





Real cocoons

Getting ready to hatch

Owl Butterfly

Hitching a ride

Owl Butterfly wings spread

Sunday, March 12, 2017

For the week of March 13th - 17th

It's hard to believe but we are winding down our 5th grade year!   End of 3rd Quarter is this Friday!! Spring break is almost here too!!!    Here is what you can expect this week:

Monday, March 13th

Camouflaged Fruit Lab
 Each student should have spent some time this weekend using what we learned in class about animal adaptations to disguise their fruit to hide in our classroom habitat.  I will take lots of photos and post them on the blog later this week.

Student Treasure Books
I will be sending home order forms on Monday.  REMEMBER >  > >THE FIRST BOOK IS FREE!!  All forms must have a parent signature, but no one has to order more than one copy.   I have reminded the students, but books not completed by Friday will not be published.

Tuesday, March 14th
Pizza $ due  

Friday, March 17th
Student Treasure books due. No exceptions.  I have to ship on Friday if we want to get our books back before school gets out.

Krew's Crew Tee Shirt money due.

Spelling Test #18

Spelling List #18

  1. eagle
  2. example
  3. towel
  4. special
  5. legal
  6. little
  7. whole
  8. several
  9. terrible
  10. label
  11. question
  12. frequent
  13. telescope
  14. instead
  15. instrument
  16. celebrate
  17. declare
  18. address
  19. adaptation
  20. hyperbole

Monday, March 6, 2017

For the week of March 6th - 10th

It's another crazy, busy week in 5th grade . . . . .Here is what to expect:

Tuesday, March 7th
COOKIE DOUGH!!  Wahoo . . .is going to be delivered.  All orders will be sent home that day.  If your student is absent please make arrangements for pick up, no later than 4 pm.

Pizza Money due

Wednesday, March 8th
Wagons Ho Adventure Day!   It is an all day, outdoor adventure.  PLEASE DRESS FOR THE WEATHER.  

Here is what to expect:

1.  Students and Parents need to dress for the weather, as this experience is all day and outside.  Warm coats, hats, gloves, rain gear, extra socks are a must! You are allowed to dress in Western gear too!
2.  Students will need a water bottle to pack around. 
3.  Lunch isn't provided so a sack lunch or hot lunch is needed.
4.  Cameras are allowed and encouraged:)

Students need to bring the following items for a station they will be participating in:

1.  8x8 in piece of corrugated cardboard (already donated) 
2.  A small bundle of wood
3.  A "2 or 4" holed button

If you are volunteering, please be here at 7:50ish.  You can go right out to the playground and help set up.  They will assign you a station to help with.

Friday, March 10th
YES, there is school.  This is one of our make up snow days.  There is no spelling test this week.

Parent Home Work
I need parents to help finish editing their student's books.  This needs to be done by Monday, March 13th.  Please be on the look out for the following common errors. 
1. Grammar 
2. Punctuation
3. Does the story make sense?
4.  Are the sentences complete or run on?