I know that we are all in the swing of things by now. Here are a few things to remember for the next few weeks:
Wednesday, Oct 31st
October Book Celebration. We have been reading Robin Hood in class together. During reading the class will be putting Robin Hood on trial to determine if he is really the protagonist of the story or the antagonist. Students are encouraged to dress like characters/objects from the book. I have my green costume ready to go :) Later in the day, we will gather with both 6th grade advisories to play games and watch the Disney version of Robin Hood.
Friday, November 2nd
Parent Teacher Conferences. Drop in conferences will be held from 5-7pm at the school. Remember that the grades coming home are only a progress report. Report cards are given at semester. There is still time to get things fixed. If you have a concern or question, this is the perfect opportunity to visit with all your student's teachers.
Thanksgiving Break
The week of November 19th - 23rd
Invent Idaho
You may have heard about the contest we are entering as a part of science called Invent Idaho. It takes place of the traditional science fair. We are working on most of the project in class. However, there are 2 parts that need to take place at home. The first is making the prototypes. The second is creating a display board that showcases your student's invention. We are still several weeks away from starting to think about building. If you want a heads up on what is coming down the line, please click the link below and read more about Invent Idaho.
Invent Idaho Link
Classroom Happenings
Leaning quilting skills and making dog beds for the animal shelter |
Mr. B rocking the pep rally |
Mr. Berg winning the lip sync |
Super Hero Day |
Learning to use the microscopes |
Group Microscope work |
Learning the parts of the microscope |
Find rocks with magnetic properties |
From space? Trying to determine . . . |
Talk like a pirate day |