Sunday, February 25, 2018

For the week of February 26th - March 2nd

Can you believe how fast the year is going?  It is hard to believe we are stepping into the first week in March.  Here is what is going on in 6th grade:

We are finishing up with Literature Circles this week.   Wednesday is our big presentation day.  Students got to choose how they are going to present the book they read.  I have everything from puppet shows, book movie trailers to book talk shows.  I am very excited to see all the creative ways the students come up with to get their fellow classmates excited about reading. 

For our March reading project, students will be picking a book to do an independent report on.  I will post instructions on Edmodo either at the end of this week or at the beginning of next. 

Math 1
The class just finished up Topic 9 with a take home test that is due Tuesday.  Next stop, Ratios.  Because this is a "B" week, there will be math class 3 times this week.  This also means there will be math homework 3 times.  Make sure you are following Edmodo.  All assignments will be posted there.

In science, we are working on our Density unit.  The students are memorizing the formula, along with exploring all the different facets of density.  Just ask about the burning pennies and the floating diet soda :)

Valentines Day Party Pics
Trying to build marshmallow structures with one hand


Monday, February 12, 2018

For the week of February 12th - 23rd

Hello all!  I decided with the next two weeks being short ones, I will post for both weeks.  Here is what you can expect:

Bring your family, extended family, and friends out Monday, February 12th for a great evening. Swing and Country Line dance lessons taught by the class of 2018 will be totally FREE and provided for guests of all ages from 5 – 6PM.

The Class of 2019 will be selling dinner from 5-7PM! You can get a hot dog, bag of chips, and a soda for $3. Any additional hot dogs, chips, and/or soda will cost $1 each. For dessert, we will have an ice cream sundae bar with a variety of toppings for $2.

We are excited to showcase our very own High School Rock Band Class performing live Country Music and DJ’ing for the event.

Wednesday, February 14th
My advisory will be having an individual Valentine's exchange. Mrs. Warr's is optional. Please remember that you need to include everyone.   If you want to bring treats, again please bring enough to share for the entire class (32 students) and please read labels.  We have students with nut and egg allergies.  Below is a list of names for my class, as well as Mrs. Warrs. 

        MRS. WARR'S ADVISORY             MRS. EVANS' ADVISORY     
Charlton, Ashlyn K
Herzber, Hadleigh

Science Fair Night
Friday, February 23rd from 4-6pm.    6th -12th grade Science Night.   Students need to bring back their Invent Idaho Projects to school.  We will set up in both 6th grade classrooms.  Drop by to see all the amazing ingenuity and hard work that went into our students' projects.

Just a quick reminder that there is no school this Friday, February 16th and again on Monday, February 19th.