Sunday, April 22, 2018

For the week of April 23rd - 26th

Hello all!  It is hard to believe we are nearing the end of the year.  It also means testing time.  Here are a few tips to help your student achieve their personal best:

Test Taking Tips for Parents & Students Preparing a student for a Testing Session – For Parents 
1. Make sure your child gets an ample, normal amount of sleep the night before the test
2. Mark testing days on your calendar to help remind you and your child when the testing will take place and plan your preparations.
3. The student should eat a nutritious and filling breakfast. Avoid high sugar cereals which can make the student hyper and/or unfocused.
4. Make sure the student is on time (if not early) on the day of testing
5. Set a backup alarm to avoid the possibility of oversleeping
6. If you child is sick please contact the school immediately to inform them

Test Taking Tips for Students 
1. Be aware of the test time limits. Keep track of how much time you have remaining and try not to spend too much time on items that you are unsure of, as you can always come back to them once you have completed the items you do know.
2. Answer the easy questions first and then move on to more difficult items.
3. Answer all questions, even if do not know the answer
4. Use all of the time allotted to you. If you have extra time cover you answers and try reworking the questions.

1.On math problems try estimating the problem before calculating (ex. make 32 X 21 into 30 X 20), as this will help you notice if your calculations are far off your estimate.
2. Perform opposite operations. For example if your problem involves multiplication check your work by dividing in reverse.

Multiple Choice 
1. Anticipate the answer before looking at your answer options. Physically cover the answer with your hand to see if you can answer it first.
2. Eliminate highly implausible answers (most multiple choice tests will have at least two “distracter” items that are unrelated to the questions).
3. Be aware of words like “always,” “never,” “only,” “must,” and “completely.” Response options containing these words may be correct, but are usually distracters as their will usually be exceptions to extreme words such as these.
4. Be cautious about changing your answer to a multiple choice question without a good reason. Usually, your first “guess” or intuition is more likely to be correct than later ones.
5. Although not always true, as a general rule of thumb the items that contain the most information tend to be correct.
6. If one of the items is an “All of the Above” option and you know that at least one of the other options is incorrect/false then you can eliminate the “All of the Above” option as well.

Our test dates are as follows:
Thursday, April 26th 8:30-11
Monday. May 7th 8:30 - 11
Wednesday, May 9th 8:30 - 11
Monday, May 14th 8:30 - 11

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

For the week of April 2nd - 6th

Sorry I am getting this post out rather late . . .

Welcome back from Spring Break!  I hope everyone was able to rest and recharge for the last 8 weeks of school.  Here is what you can expect this week:

Registration for Next Year
Your student was sent home with their schedule choices for next year. The sooner you sign and turn the paper back in, the more likelihood of your student getting preference of their top choices vs. students who turn their choices in late. If you do not plan on returning to Vision next year, there is a small section for you to fill out and return.   Your student is also eligible for online IDLA classes.  These classes are for students who have fallen behind trying to recoup credits and for students wanting to work ahead.  For more information please click the link below or call 208-342-0207 for a list of middle school classes.

Idaho Digital Learning Academy

We are working a lot on "Close Reading Skills" as we head towards our ISAT.  This involves reading slowly over materials, multiple times and annotating notes, questions and words that students don't understand. 

Independent book reports are due this Friday.  Click the link below to see the requirements. 

The class just started our unit on Geometry.  Our first several chapters are a review of area and perimeter for rectangles.  Students are expected to memorize all formulas. 

In science, we just started our unit on earthquakes.  The students have been working on labs this week that help with plate movement, how earthquakes are measured and terms scientists use to talk about earthquakes.