Sunday, March 9, 2014

For the week of March 10th-14th

Hello all!  It is scary to think we are on the down hill slide of 5th grade.  We roughly have 75 days left until the end of this school year.  Here are a few big dates on the near horizon:

Friday, March 14th - Digital Story Book Due.  See rubric below

Wednesday, March 19th - Last early release for the year.

Thursday, March 20th - State Fair and Display board Due.  See rubric below. Last Day of 3rd Quarter

Friday, March 21st-Sunday March 31st   SPRING BREAK

Thursday, April 3rd and Friday, April 4th - Parent Teacher Conferences (for concerns only, call or email for appointment)

Thursday, May 15th - Science Fair (more info coming home after spring break)

Vocab List #19
Find the definition and give an example
1.     mixture:
2.     compound:
3.     chemical reaction:
4.     physical reaction:
5.     elements:
Spelling List #19
1.     opinion
2.     onion
3.     union
4.     companion
5.     million
6.     behavior
7.     believe
8.     system
9.     possibly
10.      possible

Bonus:  Stoic

Rubric for State Digital Book


10 pts.

8 pts.

6 pts.

4 pts.


Well-rehearsed with smooth delivery that holds audience attention.

Rehearsed with fairly smooth delivery that holds audience attention most of the time.

Delivery not smooth but able to maintain interest of the audience most of the time.

Delivery not smooth and audience attention often lost.

“Techie” elements

Digital book includes a music element and 5 special effects.

Digital book includes a music element and at least 3 special effects.

Digital book is missing either the music element and/ or at least 3 special effects.

There was little to no attempt to fulfill the music and/or 5 required special effects.

Page Requirements

There is a title page, 10 or more pages of state information and a “sources cited” page in this digital book.

All but one of the required pages is present in this digital book. 

There are two to three required pages missing in this digital book. 

There was little attempt to complete the requirements given.


Source information collected for graphics and facts presented at the end of the digital book. 

Source information was poorly displayed for graphics and facts used in the digital book.


Covers topic in-depth with details and examples.  Subject knowledge is excellent.  Audience is well informed.

Includes much knowledge about the topic.   Subject knowledge appears to be good.  Audience is informed.

Includes information about the topic but lacks in detail.  Audience is not well informed.

Content is minimal OR there is very little detail.  Audience does not understand subject matter.

Rubric for State Display


10 pts.

8 pts.

6 pts.

4 pts.


Title can be read from 6 ft. away and is very creative.

Title can be read from 6 ft. away.

Title is somewhat difficult to read from 6 ft. away.

The title is too small and very difficult to find and read.


The display is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.

The display is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.

The display is somewhat organized but a bit messy.

The display is distractingly messy or very poorly designed.

Graphics & Clarity

All graphics look nice and the content is easily viewed from 3 ft. away.

Most graphics look nice and the content is easily viewed from 3 ft. away.

 A few graphics are messy and/or some content is hard to see from 3 ft. away.    

Many graphics are messy and the content is too small.      

Required Elements

The display includes all required elements (title, all images and 6 facts) as well as additional information.

Most required elements are included on the display.

Only half of the required elements are included on the display.

Most required elements were missing.


Capitalization, punctuation and spelling are all correct throughout the display.

There are 1 - 2 errors in capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

There are 3 – 4 errors in capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

There are 5 or more errors in capitalization, punctuation and spelling.

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