Sunday, October 26, 2014

For the week of October 27th - 31st

Reminders for the week:

1.  Because we have several large projects due this week, I decided against doing a spelling test in hopes my students will focus more on completing their work.

2.  Khan Academy Playlists are due this week.  We have been working on them in class since the second week of school.  Students must do at least 10 problems in each section and get a minimum of 8 correct.  If they don't, they must continue working until 10 problems are correct.  They do not need to be 10 in a row, Just 10 total.  The student writes down the date they completed the skill.

3. October reading calendars are also coming due.  They may be turned in as soon as minutes are met.  Please remember this is a huge part of the reading grade.

4.  Alice Through the Looking Glass  Chapter Maps are due Friday.

5.  We will be having an Alice Through the Looking Glass Party on Friday.  Students are allowed to dress up as characters from the book and bring treats to share with the class.  We will be attending a play and puppet show version of Alice in Wonderland in the morning and watching the Disney cartoon version of Alice in Wonderland in the afternoon.

6.  Wednesday, October 29th marks the end of the first quarter.  All make up work and test re-dos must be completed before then.  Report cards will be given at parent teacher conferences on November 14th.  Be looking for blog info on how to schedule an appointment for that day.

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