Monday, October 19, 2015

For the week of October 19th - 23rd

Welcome back from break!  Can you believe the end of the first quarter is Friday?  This means report cards and parent teacher conferences.  Conferences will take place starting next week and report cards will be handed out during your conference.  Just click the link below and type your name in the slot.  If you cannot find a space that works for you, just email me and we can either set up a phone conference or schedule you another time.   On a side note, if your student missed school, please keep in mind the absent policy.  It doesn't excuse missing work, it just gives extra days to make it up.  If you miss work right before a report card, you may see an Incomplete instead of a grade until the missing work is made up.

Spelling List #5 (all about contractions) The spelling test will be given a bit differently.  I realize these words are simple in nature, but remembering where the apostrophe goes and what the contraction stands for is more complex. When I give the test, I will say "I will" and the student will write "I'll".   As a class, we'll also be working on the difference between whose and who's.

  1. I'll
  2. won't
  3. they've
  4. don't
  5. we're
  6. didn't
  7. isn't
  8. couldn't
  9. haven't
  10. o'clock
  11. you're
  12. who's
  13. whose
  14. aren't
  15. it's
  16. doesn't
  17. there's
  18. I've
  19. Mrs. Evans  (I have numerous students still spelling my name as Mrs. Evens lol)
  20. exasperation

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