Monday, Feb. 1st
February reading calendars and book orders will go home. Book orders need to be placed by Monday, February 8th.
Tuesday, Feb 2nd
Ground Hog Day . . .please let spring come early ;0)
Wednesday, Feb. 3rd
January Reading Calendars are due and check point cookie dough slips. If you lost yours, please write down on any slip of paper how many items you have sold.
Thursday, Feb. 4th
Math Quiz on Fraction Vocab and Skills. Study Guide will come home no later than Tuesday.
Friday, Feb. 5th
Spelling Test/ Points party
Tuesday, Feb. 9th
Cookie dough/coupon book orders due . . .no late exceptions
Thursday, Feb. 11th
Valentines Day Party. More info to come home next week
Friday, Feb. 12th
No School
Spelling List 13
- urgent
- Thursday
- purpose
- thirsty
- camera
- wonder
- smuggler
- remember
- surprise
- earth
- certain
- person
- dollar
- color
- collar
- early
- mayor
- doctor
- February
- multiple