Monday, January 25, 2016

For the week of January 25th - 28th

It is another wonderfully wild week in 5th grade.  Today, Mr. Betts from Great American Opportunities came in and got the students very excited about our fundraiser this year. I am going to try to recap all this in bullet-ed points.

  1. This is not mandatory. It is on a volunteer basis only.  This is a fundraiser so our class can take a field trip.  Buses and entry fees are expensive.  Fundraisers are a great way to offset these costs.  
  2. We are selling 3 things; coupon books, cookie dough and access to an online store.  
  3. Coupon books are only $20.oo and ten of that goes back to my class.  
  4. Cookie dough is $17.oo a box
  5. For access to the online store, click the link below and type in our class code 4460846
  6. Great American Opportunities Login Page
  7. All monies collected from my class go back to my class for our field trip(s)
  8. This is only a 2 week fundraiser  . . .starting today.
  9. We are only collecting money 1 time.  That is on the end date of February 9th
  10. We will have a 1/2 way point, February 3rd, where you turn in a little tiny ticket with how many items you have sold.  Prizes will be awarded on the 3rd and on or slightly after the 9th.
  11. It takes 2 weeks to get the cookie dough in.  You will be responsible for pick up and delivery of your own items
  12. There are prizes for students along the way. A prize sheet went home today. 
  13. Yes!  You can earn $ for college by selling product.  Just by selling $100.oo worth, you get a $1000.oo in college tuition points through Sage Scholars.  These points are used as cash at certain colleges . . .like NNU!   For more info click the link below.

It is another short week, so there is no school on Friday.  We will still have a spelling test on Thursday of this week.

Spelling List 12
  1. countries
  2. addresses
  3. women
  4. lessons
  5. people
  6. skis
  7. friends
  8. roofs
  9. calves
  10. fences
  11. flies
  12. lives
  13. cherries
  14. businesses
  15. guesses
  16. families
  17. leaves
  18. pictures
  19. science
  20. biology

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