Thursday, September 22, 2016

Goop Experiment

We started learning all about matter and how molecules in each state behave.  For the last couple of lessons, we studied solids, liquids, gases, plasmas and condensates.  Today, we did our first hands-on investigation with an unknown substance we dubbed "Goop".  Students practiced the scientific method by coming up with a hypothesis on what state of matter Goop was, designed their own experiments to tests to back up their hypothesis, took observations on how Goop behaved and then defended their findings in a conclusion.

I was very impressed with all the scientific discussions that took place today!  The class figured out that Goop had both solid and liquid qualities.  We learned that when a substance like "Goop" has both solid and liquid properties it is call an amorphous solids  or a non-Newtonian fluid.  Check out the investigations going on!

Does it pour like a liquid?

Does it drip off your fingers?

Can you stir it?

Can you roll it in a ball?

Will other objects sink into the Goop?

Will it hold its shape?

What happens when you apply pressure fast, then slow

Can you pick it up with a spoon?

Recording our findings

Determining if using our sense of hearing is a way to take observations on this experiment

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