Hello all!
Has this Fall flown fast for you too? It's already November with December right on its heels! Here is what you can expect this week.
Report Cards
If you did not come to student led parent-teacher conferences, your student's progress report card will be coming home this Monday for you to sign and return. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to schedule an appointment for after school.
Canned Food Drive
As always, our school is doing the canned food drive to help local families in need of assistance. We are in need of gift cards to buy turkeys and all the canned fixings that go to make Thanksgiving dinner, as well as stock pantries. Sadly no home-made items can be accepted. Please also keep in mind to check for expiration dates. :)
Costa Rica
Yes! It is true, I am hosting a trip to Costa Rica in the Summer of 2019 for middle and high school students and parents. If you are interested in learning more, please attend my parent meeting this Tuesday, November 14th at 6pm in my classroom (rm 113). Hope to see you there.
Math 1
We are finishing up Topic 3. The review for the test will be on Tuesday. The test will be this Thursday.
The class is finishing up Sleepy Hollow. Their end of book project, which is pulling descriptive text about all the main characters and typing it up, is due this Friday. End of book projects are worth 100 points, which is about the same as 5-7 assignments. Students should be taking their time and putting in a fair amount of effort into these projects.
We are continuing to work with Air Pressure. The class just completed a lab that had them build their own "Pressure measuring device" to better understand how our own planet's invisible air pressure is detectable. The lab type up is a 50 point project that, just like the end of book project, should be done with extra care and effort. Students need to be focusing on writing clear observations, as well as making thoughtful connections in their conclusions.
Building the device |
Experimenting |
Trying to figure out how it works |
Writing down observations |
Home Econ
The class has started their cookie making unit. We started with a classic sugar cookie and will be working on decorating them with royal icing.
No sifters? No problem. Whisk dry ingredients. |
Slowing add dry ingredients to wet |
Learning to cream butter and sugar |